We are living in a post-binary world where gender fluency and awareness of gender identity and a real understanding of our LGBT family is essential. Ash Hardell, one of the most trusted voices on YouTube, presents a detailed look at all things LGBT+ in this remarkable book. Along with in-depth definitions, personal anecdotes, helpful infographics, resources, and more; Hardell's LGBT book is proof it does get better every day in a world where people are empowered by information and understanding. In Hardell's own words, This book is also for allies and LGBT+ people simply looking to pack in some extra knowledge... a critical part of acceptance. Learning about new identities broadens our understanding of humanity, heightens our empathy, and allows us different, valuable perspectives.
maandag: 13.00 - 18.00 uur
dinsdag-zaterdag: 10.00 - 18.00 uur
zondag: 13.00 - 17.00 uur