Feminist Book Club Dys/Utopian Fiction 2025
The third series of Savannah Bay’s Feminist Book Club returns to fiction, with a contrasting focus on dystopias and utopias and personal autonomy: starting with Octavia Butler’s topical, hellish depiction of a crumbling United States.
From February to June 2025, Feminist Book Club will read and discuss five dystopian and utopian visions, each focused on the power of personal choice and collective religious narrative. This series’ lineup includes three people of color and one queer. The bookclub is not a four-month-long commitment, feel free to join any month you like.
There will be snacks and drinks available. The event is free if you buy the book at our shop; otherwise, we ask a contribution of €6.
Dates: every second Thursday of the Month - Febr 13 - March 13 - April 10 - May 8 - June 12
Order the books below from our webshop.
Sign up for the book club here.